Manx Roadracing Medical Services LLC is a limited liability company registered in the Isle of Man (Company No. 985L) under the Limited Liability Companies Act 1996. It is a not for profit organisation that has been set up for the sole purpose of organising medical services for motorcycle road racing events on the TT (Mountain) Course and the Billown Course both in the Isle of Man. Since January 2016 we have taken over the responsibility for organising these services from Motorsport Medical Services, a part of the Rob Vine Fund (Isle of Man Registered Charity No. 954), and Dr. David B Stevens MBE.


GarethDr. Gareth Davies

Gareth was born on the Isle of Man and grew up with the TT. He has provided medical services for the TT and Manx Grand Prix for over 20 years, and has acted as one of the Senior Medical Officers for the event since 2011. He works as a Consultant in Emergency Medicine at Nobles Hospital and is also Medical Director of London’s Air Ambulance. He is hugely experienced in providing emergency care in the pre-hospital setting, and in the use of helicopters to provide emergency care.

SallyDr. Sally Simmons

Sally was born in Guernsey and is an ex Armed Forces doctor. She is a General Practitioner in Alderney in the Channel Islands and is experienced in providing pre-hospital care being a practicing BASICS doctor. She is a motorcycle fanatic with several motorbikes in the garage! Sally has been providing medical services on the TT and Billown Courses since 2013, and in 2015 acted as one of the Senior Medical Officers for TT along with Gruff and Gareth. Sally will be acting as Chief Medical Officer for all the Billown Course events.

PaulDr. Paul Hancock

Paul was born in England and grew up with a love of motorsports. Paul is an Emergency Medicine Consultant and Major Trauma Consultant in a major trauma centre. Paul has provided medical cover for road racing on the Isle of Man for over ten years. Paul is experienced in prehospital medicine, flying HEMS in the UK.

RobRob Holden

Rob has recently left the Fire Service on the Isle of Man where he was a Leading Firefighter. Before that he was a professional cyclist. He is experienced at organising cycling events on the island, and we are very pleased that he has joined our team. Rob is responsible for the day to day running of the administrative functions necessary to organise the medical cover for TT, Southern 100 and Manx Grand Prix.