This interactive map of the TT course is a resource to help doctors and paramedics learn more about the milestones around the track. Click on each milestone to read more information about it.
If you have any trouble viewing or using the map above, please get in touch using the information on the contact page and we will do our best to help you.
Thanks to the following for allowing use of their images
Jon Wornham of www.island-images.uk
Peter Killey of www.manxscenes.com
Tony Goldsmith of www.tgfphotos.com
Jon and Jo Spencer jnjspencertravels.com
A.G.Lloyd-Jones, ‘Bebopalieuday’, Andy Stevenson, Gregory J Kingsley, Mark Walker, Andrew Abbott and ‘Hedge Skimmer’ who have allowed sharing of their images under a Creative Commons License
A lot of the information presented on the pages here has been gathered by ‘Silja’ (see TT Forum)